I think I grasp your intent. By running the scaffold analysis, you aim for a table which either separates the entries by category like
| scafffold | frequency | plate addresses | individual label |
| isoxazolone | 2 | 12, 91 | cmpd18, cmpd13 |
| antipyrine | 4 | 18, 19, 20, 21 | cmpd23, cmpd24, cmpd25, cmpd26 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |
or one where the number in the plate (plate address) and the compound label are next to each other like
| scafffold | frequency | plate address / individual label |
| isoxazolone | 2 | 12, cmpd18; 91, cmpd13 |
| antipyrine | 4 | 18, cmpd23; 19, cmpd24; 20, cmpd25; 21, cmpd26 |
| ... | ... | ... |
Here, «plate address» is used just as alias for the number of the well in the plate == entry line in the initial .dwar file to process.